Bridge Over Troubled Water
Simon + Garfunkel
1: | When you're wAeary fDeeling smAall whDen tGears Dare Ain your Deyes I will drAy them DallA D A I'm Eon Fmyour sEide oh when times gE9et rAoughA/G# A7and friends jA9ust cDan't bHe fEound lA7ike A9a brDidge Cdim/D#over trA/Eoubled wF7ater DI will lC#7ay me dFmown lA7ike A9a brDidge Cdim/D#over trA/Eoubled wF7ater DI will lE9ay mE7e dAownD. A D A D |
2: | When you're down and out when you're on the street When evening falls so hard I will comfort you I'll take your part oh when darkness comes and pain is all around like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down lA7ike A9a brDidge Cdim/D#over trA/Eoubled wFmater DI will lFm/C#ay mC#e dFmown. |
R: | Sail on sAilver girl sail on by yDour tGime hDas cAome to shDine all your drAeams are on their wDayA D sAee hEow thFmey shEine oh if you nAeed a frA/Eiend A7I'm sA9ailing rDight bHehEind lA7ike A9a brDidge Cdim/D#over troA/Eubled waFmter DI will Fmease C#your mFmind lA7ike A9a brDidge Cdim/D#over troA/Eubled waFmter DI will C#7ease your mFmind. |
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Datum vytvoření :2014-02-02T20:17:12.579+00:00
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