Old Friends
Simon + Garfunkel
D#maj7Old frBmaj7iends D#maj7old frBmaj7iends sCm7at on their pF7ark bench like bBookGmends. a nCm7ewspaper blown through the grFass falls on the rGmound toes on the hBmaj7igh shoes of the D#old frB6iendsD#maj7 Bmaj7 D#maj7old frBmaj7iends Cm7winter compF7anions the D#maj7old mDm7en lCm7ost in their F7overcoats wBaiting fCm7or the sGmunset the sCm7ounds of the cF7ity sDm7ifting through trGmees settle like dFust on the shD#oulders of the B6old friends cCm7an you imF7agine us Bmaj7years from today shD#aring a pD#mark bench qBuietly how tCm7erribly strF7ange to be sGmeventy D#maj7old frBmaj7iends mCm7emory brF7ushes the sD#maj7ame Dm7years sCm7ilently shF7aring the sB6ame fGmearsD#maj7 ... Bmaj7 D#maj7 Bmaj7 |
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Neuloženo trvale!!! Pouze změna prohlížeči. Pro trvalé uložení publikujte.
Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:10.723+00:00
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